Councillor David Snowdon has written to Sara Saunders Head of Planning and Building Control at East Herts Council
14th August 2022
Dear Sara,
I am writing with regard to Thorley Wood, an area of established mature woodland between Thorley Lane East and Broadleaf Avenue in Bishop’s Stortford. This wooded area is popular local amenity land used by local walkers and cyclists. It abuts Southern Country Park and provides a continuation of the wildlife habitat provided by the park. It is crucial green lung in an area which is seeing significant development.
It has recently come to public attention that this land has been purchased with the intention of splitting it into 12 lots for sale by auction. The auction details is as follows:
I believe that this land is classified as Green Belt land, where there would be a presumption against development. I also believe that there are tree preservation orders covering much of the site.
As Head of Planning could you confirm the relevant planning policies which would apply to this land? Would an Article 4 direction on this site also be possible?
This is the second such attempt to sell small parcels of land which are heavily protected under local planning rules after a similar sale of the Meads lane off Rye Street and south of Meadowlands. Could you advice as to whether there is any additional policy response possible by East Herts District Council which would prevent such occurrences in the future. The sales of Green Belt land in this way are in my view – and that of many of my residents – not in the public interest.
Yours sincerely,
Cllr David Snowdon
Deputy Leader and Chairman of Finance Committee, Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
East Herts District Councillor
cc: Linda Haysey, Leader of East Herts District Council
cc: Jan Goodeve, Executive Member for Planner East Herts District Council