Tree Preservation Order on Thorley Lane East Woods

Tree preservation order covering Thorley Lane East Woods. Source: East Herts Council

Tree Preservation Order for Thorley Lane East Woods

A tree preservation order exists across the whole of Thorley Lane East Woods. Among the species listed within are mixed hardwoods consisting mainly of Elm, Oak and Ash.

What is a Tree Preservation Order?

A Tree Preservation Order is an order made by a local planning authority in England in this case East Herts District Council to protect specific trees, groups of trees or woodlands in the interests of amenity. An Order prohibits the:

  • cutting down
  • topping
  • lopping
  • uprooting
  • wilful damage
  • wilful destruction

of trees without the local planning authority’s written consent. If consent is given, it can be subject to conditions which have to be followed. Cutting roots is also a prohibited activity and requires the authority’s consent.

TPO73 – Tree Preservation Order 73

The woodland is covered by Tree Preservation Order 73, under the area marked ‘W3’ on the contained map. The types of trees within the woodland are listed as mainly hardwoods consisting of Elm, Oak, and Ash. Chestnut, Sycamore, Field Maple, Willow, and Poplar are also mentioned. The full Tree Preservation Order (73) can be viewed below.

TPO73 Tree preservation order 73